Should you take your laptop on holiday or just take the summer off? Podcast episode 115

Orange sunrise at Cala Bona in Mallorca while on holiday

Should you take your laptop on holiday or just take the summer off?

What do you do?

Today I’m musing on that very question. Is it better to take a complete break or keep updated? There are lots of reasons why you should take your laptop with you on holiday but maybe they should be for personal reasons – Netflix movie nights anyone?

Come and listen to me chatting about my recent family holiday to Mallorca and why taking the laptop made no difference at all!


Today’s chat is with Inside Stylists founder

Emma Morton-Turner 

cheesy grinning EmmaMT


You can find us here –

Insta: @InsideStylists



A few things we covered in this episode :

  • Work is quieter. Everyone else is coming and going – it’s like every Friday – the Mary Celeste
  • We can work from literally anywhere. Freelancers can go anywhere and work. So the UK is not our first choice
  • The HEAT!!! It’s just so hard to concentrate
  • Kids are off school and are a total distraction – if you have teens or they need supervising if they’re younger.
  • We need thinking time.
    When else do you get thinking time? Time to plan big
  • But it’s Christmas!!! so we still need to be in the loop- Maybe part-time working or 2 weeks on 2 weeks off?
  • Can we turn our email off – or at least remove it from our phones – and the same for social media
  • Get ready for the ”Back to school” refresh. That feeling of a September refresh.

Listen to this weeks episode here or click on iTunes 







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